Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Open Your Mind A Bit People...

I know this isn't what i normally post here but I cannot hold it in anymore.
Recently people have been bashing Disney for introducing a Lesbian couple on their show Good Luck Charlie. And I can assume you guessed that bible thumping Christians are all in a tizzy about this swearing that their children will no longer be able to watch this show and that they are teaching their children the right way to live and that marriage is to be strictly between a a man and a woman. People have even gone as far as to send death threats to the girl who plays Charlie, Mia Talerico..... A 5 YEAR OLD!
I am so sick and tired of people using the bible to defend their stupid homophobia, saying that it is a choice and that it is a moral sin.
I am straight.
I am a Christian.
I go to church every week, i volunteer at the church every Monday and Wednesday as well.
I also hang out every Monday with my bi-sexual friend who wants to date this boy, i go to the bar with my gay friend who also just happens to be a drag queen, or go to dinner with my lesbian friend and her girlfriend. 
Believe it or not people... homosexuality is not the only thing not allowed in the bible. How many people do you know that are divorced? Guess what.. that's one of the biggest sins of all, as it violates pretty much every one of the ten commandments. 
Hair is not allowed to be cut short if you go by each rule that the bible states.
You have to be very strict on what you eat by the rules of the bible. No meats, no fats, no birds. shall i continue?
No working on Sunday
No football - goes with the no meat thing.. not only can you eat it. you cant handle it as well (also fits into no working on Sunday as well as they're getting paid millions of dollars)
No tattoos
No polyester or any fabric blends 
No wearing gold
No eating shellfish.
No Shaving
You could own as many slaves as you wanted/ could afford
No cursing
No gossip
And i wont even go into how you're supposed to treat women...
I could go on but i'll spare you the humiliation, however... i would like to ask you... when did you choose to become straight? 
I'll humor you... let's say it was a choice...
If it was the other way around and being straight was the "sin" do you honestly think that people would deliberately choose to be called "fags" "queers" and what ever other names you can come up with? Do you thing they want to be subject to this torture you are all putting them through? 
I want you to thing about this.... You say that you are going to stop letting your children watch Disney because they did this. Did you stop watching Big Bang Theory when you found out Jim Parsons was gay? How about How I Met Your Mother and NPH? How is that any different? Just because they are not showing it on screen? How about the reverse? Glee? Darren Criss (Blane) is not actually gay but he plays a gay character on television. How is that any different than this?
You should go crawl back under the dark rock that you have been living under and maybe let your children decide for themselves if they want to be a close-minded person like yourself

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