Monday, March 21, 2011

The Day The Music Died?

Im just going out on a limb here and guessing that everyone has heard American Pie at least once...

I can’t remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride, But something touched me deep inside The day the music died.

So bye-bye, miss american pie. Drove my chevy to the levee, But the levee was dry. And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye

Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die. "this’ll be the day that I die."

I wonder if anyone else has felt like that when a musician has died...
MJ, John Lennon (or just the Beatles in general when they broke up...), Elvis...

We get so into people that when theyre gone... we dont know what to do.

Most reasently it was Michael Jackson.

Everyone critizied him when he was alive... called him a freak, creep, pediofile

but strangely enough when he died... everyone loved him again, like before he started going white (which by the way was mostly not by choice)

for months all you saw was michael jackson this, michael jackson that... music videos, action figures, and now even a wii game.

where was this when he was alive?

Elvis... he overdosed...

no one could believe that he could do something like that....

so someone made up this story that hes hiding out somewhere

underground maybe

doing nothing but playing gutiar and eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches all day.

We get so into our celebrities that when they are gone... were just out of luck

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paint with all the Colors of the Wind

Have you ever just sat down and just listened to the sounds around you? Just listened... nothing else... no cell phones, no ipods, no computers, nothing. You should try it sometime... if you're feeling stressed to the point of exploding, just go outside and find a secluded spot away from everything and just listen. Don't think about anything, just close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. You'll may be surprised at what happens, where your mind goes, but i can guarantee that you will instantly feel relaxed. Try it!

Granted, silence isn't for everyone... if this is you, i suggest taking your ipod or music device of choice and putting a calm song on, laying in your grass and looking up into the stars. I find myself doing this more and more in the warm summer nights. This can work for you silence people as well. Go out and lay in your grass looking up at the stars. Listen to the sounds around you. If you lay there long enough sometimes you can even start to notice the movement of the sky.... but you have to lay there for a really long time...

Soon enough you may be able to answer Pocahontas' questions....
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Talking in Many Tounges!

Lets see the adventures of Lucius in English, Irish and Spanish! What Fun!
Once upon a time there was a young boy named Lucius.  Lucius was 24 years old and lived in Murrysville, Pennsylvania.  While walking home from school one day, a Orange Penguin jumped out from behind a Llama and tackled Lucius to the ground.  But just when he was about to let out a scream for help, Lucius realized that the Orange Penguin was only licking his face, not trying to bite it off.  At that moment, Lucius decided to keep the Orange Penguin as a pet.  And on the way home he decided to name his pet Orange Penguin "Darren." 
When Lucius and his new pet finally got home, guess who was standing on the front porch?  That's right, it was Lucius's mother, Lola.  And boy was she surprised to see a Orange Penguin following Lucius into the yard!  "What in world is that?" shouted Lola.  "It's a Orange Penguin," answered Lucius.  "Dah, I can see that, Lucius, but what on earth is it doing here?" said Lola.  "It's my new pet!" answered Lucius.  "Oh you think so do you?" remarked Lola.  "I wouldn't get your hopes up. You know how your father hates Orange Penguins.  But, well, I suppose you can keep him until your father comes home."  And with that Lucius grabbed Darren by the scruff of the neck and led his new pet into the house -- even though he knew his father was probably going to dissaprove. 
Once in the house, Lucius and Darren played and played, that is until Lucius's favorite television show, "Pheneas and Ferb," started.  At that point Lucius forgot all about Darren having an unsupervised run of the house.  That is until half way through "Pheneas and Ferb," when Lucius was brought back to reality when he heard his father shout, "Argh!!!  Lucius! Get your Buttox in the Basement...NOW!!"  With that Lucius rushed into the Basement to see what all the fuss was about. 
When he entered the Basement, there stood his father, George, pointing toward the Bean Bag.  "Will someone please explain that?" asked his father.  Then, as Lucius followed his father's finger to where it was pointing, he instantly knew what his father was so upset about.  There, smack dab in the middle of the Bean Bag, was the biggest pile of Penguin doo-doo he had ever seen!  "I don't EVEN want to know how that got there," said George.  "But you had better get it cleaned up now!  And you had better get rid of whatever it is that could have done such a thing!" 
Well, knowing his father as well as he did, Lucius knew there was no sense even asking his father if he could keep Darren for a pet.  So without hesitation, Lucius set out to find where Darren was hiding. 
After a few minutes of looking, Lucius discovered Darren crouched beneath the table that Lucius did his Blogging on.  "Come on, Darren, it's time to find you a new home.  And hey, don't look at me that way, I'm not the one who did the dirty deed on the Bean Bag!" scolded Lucius.  "Thanks to you I'll never get to have my own pet Penguin!!  And with that Lucius led Darren out of the house and down to the local Hot Topic.  Hot Topic had a pet section and Lucius knew the owner would find Darren a good home.  So after saying good-bye to Darren, and thanking the owner of Hot Topic, Lucius walked backed home and attempted to dround his sorrows by slamming down a half dozen Squirts.  But Lucius's pitty party came to an abrupt end when his father reminded him about the mess he had neglected to clean up.  And low and behold, midway through the clean-up, Lucius suddenly became thankful that someone else was going to have to do it from now on.The End.
Nuair ar am a bhí ann ina bhuachaill óg darb ainm Lucius. Lucius a bhí 24 bliain d'aois agus bhí cónaí i Murrysville, Pennsylvania. Cé ag siúl abhaile ón scoil lae amháin, léim ar Penguin Orange amach ó taobh thiar de láma agus Lucius dul i ngleic leis an talamh. Ach amháin nuair a bhí sé ar tí a lig amach ar scread chun cabhair a fháil, thuig Lucius go raibh an Penguin Orange licking ach nach bhfuil a aghaidh, ag iarraidh greim sí amach. Ag an nóiméad sin, chinn Lucius a choinneáil ar an Penguin Orange mar pheata. Agus ar an mbealach abhaile shocraigh sé a ainm a peata Orange Clúdach "Darren." Nuair a fuair Lucius agus a chuid peataí tí nua ar deireadh, buille faoi thuairim a bhí ina seasamh ar an porch tosaigh? Sin ceart, go raibh sé máthair Lucius's, Lola. Agus bhí buachaill iontas sí a fheiceáil Penguin Orange Lucius seo a leanas isteach sa chlós! "Cad é sa domhan sin?" Lola scairt. "It's a Penguin Orange," fhreagair Lucius. "Dah, is féidir liom a fheiceáil go bhfuil, Lucius, ach cad é ar an talamh a dhéanamh air anseo?" dúirt Lola. "Tá sé ar mo pheata nua!" freagraíodh Lucius. "Ó go gceapann tú go bhfuil tú?" dúirt Lola. "Níor mhaith liom a fháil do súil suas. Tá a fhios agat conas fuath d'athair Orange Penguins. Ach, go maith, is dócha gur féidir tú a choinneáil air go dtí go dtiocfaidh d'athair abhaile." Agus leis sin rug Lucius Darren ag an scruff an muineál agus stiúir a peataí nua isteach sa teach - cé go raibh a fhios aige go raibh a athair ag dul dócha a dissaprove. Chomh luath sa teach, bhí Lucius agus Darren agus bhí, is é sin go dtí go léiríonn Lucius's teilifíse is fearr leat, "Pheneas agus Ferb," ​​thosaigh. Ag an bpointe sin Forgot Lucius ar fad faoi Darren ag a reáchtáil gan mhaoirseacht an tí. Is é sin go dtí go leathbhealach trí "Pheneas agus Ferb," ​​nuair a tugadh ar ais go dtí Lucius fírinne nuair a chuala sé a shout athair, "Argh!!! Lucius! Faigh do Buttox san íoslach ... ANOIS!!" Leis Theith go Lucius isteach an Íoslaigh a fheiceáil cad mar gheall go léir a bhí ar an fuss. Nuair a tháinig sé ar an íoslach, tá bhí a athair, George, atá dírithe i dtreo an mála Bean. "An mbeidh duine éigin a mhíniú do thoil é sin?" fhiafraigh a athair. Ansin, Lucius ina dhiaidh sin mar a athar mhéar a áit a raibh sé dírithe, bhí a fhios aige láithreach cad a bhí ar a athair mar sin trína chéile faoi. Tá, DAB smack i lár na Bean Bag, bhí an carn is mó de Doo Doo Penguin-se go raibh feicthe riamh! "Ní dóigh liom EVEN iarraidh a fháil amach conas a d'éirigh go bhfuil ann," a dúirt George. "Ach bhí tú níos fearr a fháil glanadh suas anois! Agus tú ag fáil réidh le níos fearr a bhí cuma cad é a d'fhéadfadh a bheith déanta a leithéid de rud!" Bhuel, a fhios agam a athair chomh maith mar a rinne sé, bhí a fhios Lucius nach raibh aon chiall ag iarraidh a athair fiú más rud é go bhféadfadh sé a choinneáil Darren do peata. Mar sin gan leisce, a leagtar amach Lucius a fháil áit a raibh Darren hiding. Tar éis cúpla nóiméad le féachaint, aimsigh Lucius Darren cuachta faoi bhun an tábla go raibh Lucius a Blagadóireacht ar. "Come on, Darren, tá sé in am a fhaigheann tú le teach nua. Agus hug, ná breathnú ar dom an mbealach sin, nach bhfuil mé an ceann a thug an gníomhas salach ar an mála Bean!" scolded Lucius. "Go raibh maith agat chun tú a bhfaighidh mé riamh go bhfuil mo Penguin peataí féin!! Agus leis sin faoi stiúir Darren Lucius amach as an teach agus ar síos go dtí an áitiúil Hot Topic. Bhí Hot Topic d'alt peataí agus Lucius fhios bheadh ​​an t-úinéir a aimsiú Darren baile go maith. sin, tar éis a rá go maith-Slán le Darren, agus buíochas a ghabháil le úinéir Hot Topic, shiúil Lucius baile tacaíocht agus iarracht a dround a ndólás le slamming síos squirts leath dosaen. Ach tháinig páirtí pitty Lucius's chun deireadh tobann nuair a athair gcuimhne dó mar gheall ar an praiseach a bhí sé faillí a ghlanadh suas. Agus íseal agus behold, leath bealaigh tríd an glantacháin, tháinig Lucius tobann buíoch go bhfuil duine éigin eile a bhí ag dul go bhfuil a dhéanamh as seo amach. An Deireadh.
Érase una vez un niño llamado Lucio. Lucio tenía 24 años y vivía en Murrysville, Pennsylvania. Mientras caminaba hacia su casa desde la escuela un día, un pingüino naranja saltó desde detrás de una llama y Lucio empujado al suelo. Pero justo cuando estaba a punto de dejar escapar un grito de ayuda, Lucio di cuenta de que el pingüino naranja era sólo lamer la cara, no tratando de morder. En ese momento, Lucio decidió mantener el pingüino naranja como mascota. Y en el camino a casa, decidió el nombre de su mascota pingüino naranja "Darren". Cuando Lucio y su nueva mascota, finalmente llegó a su casa, supongo que estaba de pie en el porche? Así es, fue la madre de Lucius, Lola. Y el muchacho se sorprendió al ver un pingüino naranja siguientes Lucio en el patio! "¿Qué mundo es eso?" gritó Lola. "Es un pingüino naranja", respondió Lucius. "Dah, puedo ver que, Lucio, pero ¿qué diablos está haciendo aquí?" dijo Lola. "Es mi nueva mascota!" respondió Lucius. "Oh, así que creo que sí?" comentó Lola. "No se hagan ilusiones. Sabes cómo su padre odia a los pingüinos de Orange. Pero, bueno, supongo que lo puede mantener hasta que su padre llega a casa." Y con ese Lucius Darren cogió por la piel del cuello y la llevó a su nueva mascota en la casa - a pesar de que sabía que su padre fue probablemente va a dissaprove. Una vez en la casa, Lucio y Darren jugó y jugó, es decir, hasta programa de televisión favorito de Lucius, "Pheneas y Ferb", comenzó. En ese momento se olvidó de Lucio Darren tener una carrera sin supervisión de la casa. Es decir, hasta la mitad del camino a través de "Pheneas y Ferb", cuando Lucio se devolvió a la realidad cuando oyó su grito el padre, "Argh! Lucio! Consigue tu Buttox en el sótano ... AHORA!" Con que Lucius se precipitó en el sótano para ver lo que todo el alboroto era. Cuando entró en el sótano, allí estaba su padre, George, apuntando hacia la bolsa de frijoles. "¿Podría alguien por favor explicar eso?" preguntó a su padre. Entonces, como Lucius siguió el dedo de su padre a donde estaba señalando, al instante supo lo que su padre estaba tan molesto sobre. Allí, justo en el medio de la Bolsa de Bean, fue el mayor montón de doo-doo pingüino que había visto nunca! "Yo no quiero ni saber cómo llegó allí", dijo George. "Pero es mejor conseguirlo limpiado hasta ahora! Y es mejor deshacerse de cualquier cosa que podría haber hecho tal cosa!" Bueno, a sabiendas de su padre, así como lo hizo, Lucio sabía que no había sentido ni siquiera preguntar a su padre si podía mantener a Darren a una mascota. Así que sin dudarlo, Lucio se propuso encontrar Darren donde se escondía. Después de unos minutos de ver, Lucio descubierto Darren se agachó debajo de la mesa que Lucius hizo sus blogs en. "Vamos, Darren, es hora de encontrar un nuevo hogar. Y bueno, no me mires de esa manera, yo no soy el que hizo la escritura sucia en la bolsa de frijoles!" regañó Lucio. "Gracias a ti nunca voy a llegar a tener mi propia mascota pingüino! Y con ese Lucius Darren llevó a cabo de la casa y hasta el local de Hot Topic. Candente había una sección de mascotas y Lucio sabía que el propietario se encuentra Darren un buen hogar. Así que después de decir adiós a Darren, y dando las gracias al propietario de Hot Topic, Lucio se fue a casa apoyado e intentado dround sus penas por el cierra de golpe una Squirts media docena. Pero el partido lástima Lucio llegó a un abrupto final cuando su padre le recordó sobre el lío que se había olvidado de limpiar. Y bajo y he aquí que, a medio camino a través de la limpieza, Lucio pronto se convirtió en agradecido de que alguien iba a tener que hacer de ahora en adelante. The End. 

See wasnt that Fun!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Omm... Nom... Nom

Doughnut Nom: When one noms a doughnut
Pencil Nom: When one noms a pencil
Soul Nom: When one noms a soul
Life Nom: When one noms anothers life
Satan Nom: When one noms another living being
Brain Nom: When one is nomed by a zombie
Turnip Nom: When one noms a turnip
Ear Nom: When one noms and ear (see also Mike Tyson)
Mike Tyson: See Ear Nom
Moustache Nom: See Soul Nom
Cream Puff Nom: When one noms a cream puff
Nom Nom: When one noms a nom
Navarre Nom: Wehn one noms a Navarre (See also Satan Nom)
Shark Nom: When is nomed by a shark (See also Satan Nom)
Locker Nom: When something is nomed by a locker (See also Navarre Nom)