Thursday, January 6, 2011

Juice Box

Sometimes I wish juice boxes would refill themselves... theyre just so yummy that when theyre gone... its sad... like ice cream cones...

Vampires Anyone?

With all the hype over Twilight right now you could write almost anything about vampires and have it read by about a million girls hoping one day that they will see Edward or Jacob walking down the street wanting to marry them. My story is not a silly love story with a few battles to over come. My story is different than the rest. My story could could change the fate of the mortal and vampire worlds forever. No sparkles.
Samantha Ryland is a newly changed vampire, but she isn’t just any newling. Samantha woke up just to find out that she is destined to go on a quest. Her quest is a dangerous one and its outcome could change the fate of both the human and vampire worlds. She is to hunt and kill the source of all evil, Jack Weston.
Vampires are not supposed to sparkle, people dont change into wolves just because they have a wolf spirit in them and most people have forgotten this. They are so enthralled by Twilight that they have forgtten what a real vampire is and i hate to break it to you but they dont sparkle in the sun and they dont smell like fruit.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Writers Block...

I had so many ideas when i fell asleep this morning i guess it was. I had so many ideas, dialogue planned out in my head, it was all coming together. I wanted to write it down but my laptop was overheated and needed a break. I figured i had so much planned out already that it would all just come back to me in the morning. I was wrong. I pulled up the file to write everything down... but i cant remember anything. All of the ideas and dialogue is gone, the price i pay for not writing them down on paper i guess. I guess ill just have to start from scratch again... sigh.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So youre up all night the night before just cause that what you do and youre running on about two hours of sleep all day.
Then you realize that you still need to finish that big project that's due tomorrow morning at 7 on the dot. no lateness, not even 7 oh one....
I guess its another all nighter for you tonight too i guess...
Well at least i have my music to fall back on when all this is done and its time to get back in the rut of things again.