Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Impossible Quiz!

Ok, so like everyone else i attempted the impossible quiz on my ipod with the impossible quiz app... well after spending about half of a hour and a half bus ride to Albert Gallaton trying to figure it out i caved and had to look up an answer... but i finally completed it and to help out anyone else trying to beat it here are the answers!
  1. tap the red one
  2. tap 5 times
  3. tap all of the ninja stars
  4. touch the blue N square
  5. top right cloud
  6. wait, it will change
  7. tap the balloons from right to left
  8. drag bubble to the right one
  9. tap the money, top right, bottom right, top right, bottom right
  10. bottom left fish, has an eyebrow
  11. ** remember the key!! **
  12. bottom blue square
  13. drag to the black hole
  14. touch the WORDS! orange, green, blue red
  15. drag the saw until the question changes
  16. touch the blue square
  17. move the penguin to find the egg
  18. take the exclamation point from the directions and put it at the end of the sentence
  19. touch the green and yellow but watch! the red moves to where the green was
  20. ** remember his eyes!! **
  21. ** remembber! 5th ring down **
  22. touch the red ones
  23. tilt it up so the water can fall out
  24. touch the targets
  25. wait, it will change
  26. start in the lower left corner then go to the far right, the one next to that one, one above it then the top most one.
  27. touch the red S block
  28. put the chips in their corresponding number spots
  29. remember the order and push the right spots
  30. bottom right fish (i dont really know why though)
  31. shake till the ice breaks and the penguin falls ( + 1 life)
  32. ** Check Point!! **
  33. tap quickly until the question changes
  34. tap the 25 three times
  35. did you remember? top right
  36. careful! be sure to tap them in the right order
  37. did you remember? tap the 5th ring down on the notebook spiral on the side
  38. watch the light bulb
  39. 11
  40. tap the red, blue, and yellow balloons
  41. tap with 4 fingers at once (difficult)
  42. move the word electric coil, tap continue
  43. tap the green
  44. remember the picture! tap the word continue
  45. take the white one out and put the bottom one in the square
  46. tap continue
  47. tap the red x
  48. go to the second to last one. you have to position the ship just right or it will be wrong
  49. did you remember? bottom key (+ 1 life)
  50. tap the picture of the heart, the words clubs and diamonds, then the picture of the spade
  51. tap the phone 2 times
  52. tap the edges of the words
  53. shake till you kill the pirate
  54. ** remember! you are other! **
  55. ice cube
  56. weird looking thing (remember you are other)
  57. push the button
  58. put ipod so it is facing straight up. (the way you hold it when you are listening to it.)
  59. move green alien, move purple alien, move the words, tap continue
  60. tap the t.v.
  61. quickly tap the weight, tap continue
  62. type excactly how this looks, bananas
  63. slowly turn ipod on each side
  64. ** remember burger ingredients ** **Check Point!!**
  65. tap whole pizza 5 times
  66. wait for the GO sign to appear
  67. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. tap each word block then continue
  68. did you remember? 6
  69. tap continue
  70. move left cherry, tap the right one
  71. take the e from the word e-mail and put it in the box then put the envelope in the box
  72. did you remember? bottom bun, patty, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, top bun (+ 1 life)
  73. keep the ball in the middle for 5 seconds
  74. move the rk in the word spork, tap the word spoon and then the bottom of the fork
  75. blue, the darker purple, the lighter purple, red. (3, 1, 4, 2)
  76. slide the light orange bar off and then drag the battery out
  77. wind the nob at the top till the light turns green the tap the white button aat the top next to the turn wheel (like a desposible camera)
  78. shake it till the question changes
  79. tap the word defend, put the metal bar in front of the sward
well, thats all of them... unless they add more in an update... if that happens don't worry.. i'll update these, enjoy the impossible quiz

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