Friday, April 15, 2016

Creativity v. Practicality

         "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein

That is one of my favorite quotes, but it seems today that imagination is often left out and forgotten.

         When we're little everyone tells you to use your imagination and be creative, but as you get older it seems that imagination is swept aside for more "practical" talents that will help you more in the "real world" and those who refuse to conform and stay creative as they were as a child are ridiculed and thought of as "eccentrics" and "weird". 

We're told to grow up and stop acting childish, told to acquire skill that will better ourselves later in life, which will help us get a good, high paying job. Told imagination and creativity will not help us to get far in life.

           Yet, it is those same "eccentric" and "weird" people who keep their creativity and become authors, artists, musicians, and actors. Those people who bring us the entertainment we use in our everyday lives, not the business men trapped in a cubicle who secretly dreams they had kept the imagination they once loved to use.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Open Your Mind A Bit People...

I know this isn't what i normally post here but I cannot hold it in anymore.
Recently people have been bashing Disney for introducing a Lesbian couple on their show Good Luck Charlie. And I can assume you guessed that bible thumping Christians are all in a tizzy about this swearing that their children will no longer be able to watch this show and that they are teaching their children the right way to live and that marriage is to be strictly between a a man and a woman. People have even gone as far as to send death threats to the girl who plays Charlie, Mia Talerico..... A 5 YEAR OLD!
I am so sick and tired of people using the bible to defend their stupid homophobia, saying that it is a choice and that it is a moral sin.
I am straight.
I am a Christian.
I go to church every week, i volunteer at the church every Monday and Wednesday as well.
I also hang out every Monday with my bi-sexual friend who wants to date this boy, i go to the bar with my gay friend who also just happens to be a drag queen, or go to dinner with my lesbian friend and her girlfriend. 
Believe it or not people... homosexuality is not the only thing not allowed in the bible. How many people do you know that are divorced? Guess what.. that's one of the biggest sins of all, as it violates pretty much every one of the ten commandments. 
Hair is not allowed to be cut short if you go by each rule that the bible states.
You have to be very strict on what you eat by the rules of the bible. No meats, no fats, no birds. shall i continue?
No working on Sunday
No football - goes with the no meat thing.. not only can you eat it. you cant handle it as well (also fits into no working on Sunday as well as they're getting paid millions of dollars)
No tattoos
No polyester or any fabric blends 
No wearing gold
No eating shellfish.
No Shaving
You could own as many slaves as you wanted/ could afford
No cursing
No gossip
And i wont even go into how you're supposed to treat women...
I could go on but i'll spare you the humiliation, however... i would like to ask you... when did you choose to become straight? 
I'll humor you... let's say it was a choice...
If it was the other way around and being straight was the "sin" do you honestly think that people would deliberately choose to be called "fags" "queers" and what ever other names you can come up with? Do you thing they want to be subject to this torture you are all putting them through? 
I want you to thing about this.... You say that you are going to stop letting your children watch Disney because they did this. Did you stop watching Big Bang Theory when you found out Jim Parsons was gay? How about How I Met Your Mother and NPH? How is that any different? Just because they are not showing it on screen? How about the reverse? Glee? Darren Criss (Blane) is not actually gay but he plays a gay character on television. How is that any different than this?
You should go crawl back under the dark rock that you have been living under and maybe let your children decide for themselves if they want to be a close-minded person like yourself

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


In The Spirit of Halloween...

A Poem By Tim Burton

Vincent Malloy is seven years old
He's polite and always does as he's told
For a boy his age, he's considerate and nice
But he wants to be just like Vincent Price

He doesn't mind living with his sister, dog, and cats
Though he'd rather share a home with spiders and bats
There he could reflect on the horrors he has invented and wander dark hallways alone and tormented

Vincent is nice when his aunt comes to see him
But imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum
He likes to experiment on his dog Abocrombie
In the hopes of creating a horrible zombie
So that he and his horrible zombie dog
could go searching for victims in the London fog

His thoughts aren't only of ghoulish crime
He likes to paint and read to pass some of the time
While other kids read books like "Go Jane Go"
Vincent's favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe.

One night while reading a gruesome tale
he read a passage that made him turn pale
Such horrible news he could not survive
For his beautiful wife had been buried alive

He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead
Unaware that her grave was his mother's flower bed
His mother sent Vincent off to his room
He knew he'd been banished to the tower of doom
where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life
alone with the portrait of his beautiful wife.

While alone and insane incased in his doom
Vincent's mother burst suddenly into the room
She said, "If you want, you can go out and play
It's sunny outside and a beautiful day."

Vincent tried to talk but he just couldn't speak
the years of isolation had made him quite weak
So he took out some paper and scrawled with a pen:
"I'm possessed by this house and can never leave it again."

His mother said, "You are NOT possessed and you are NOT almost dead
These games you play are all in your head
You are NOT Vincent Price, you're Vincent Malloy
You're not tormented or insane, you're just a young boy
You're seven years old, and you are my son
I want you to get outside and have some real fun."

Her anger now spent, she walked out through the hall
While Vincent backed slowly against the wall
The room started to sway, to shiver and creak
His horrored insanity had reached its peak
He saw Abocrombie, his zombie slave
and heard his wife call from beyond the grave

She spoke through her coffin and made ghoulish demands
While through cracking walls reached skeleton hands
Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams
swept his mad laughter to terrified screams

To escape the badness, he reached for the door
but fell limp and lifeless down on the floor
His voice was soft and very slow
As he quoted "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe:
"And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted...Nevermore."

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crystal Eyes of Blue

That night in autumn
When we first met
Was a magical time
I will never forget

I sat across the room
And watched you from afar
I didnt think I would meet
      the man of my dreams
In a night club bar

The next time I saw you
We danced the night away
Your smile warmed my heart
Like a bright, sunny day

Dancing to a slow song
Looking into your crystal
            eyes of blue
Your heart beating close to mine
I fell in love with you!

With Love

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sleepless Nights

Lately its become that i say goodbye to you as you go to work and i try to fall asleep ... but sleep doesnt come so easily... ill end up writing or doing homework or sorting music for the hundredth time... my sleepless nights have just become yet another part of my life that is now stuck in a rut... i do the same stuff everyday... i dont even have to look at my work schedule anymore because i already know what its going to be... i need to do something exciting.. something intreging... but what... i need a spark of creativity .. a muse.. anything to get me out of this rut...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Random Convos!

Soooooo... i was told to blog about our phone call... so here you go!

* Argument about nothing!


*OCD with closets and drawers

*Stink Bugs

*Songs about wigs


*and of course your favorite... Quacking Ducks!!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death..."

"The headstone was only two rows behind Kendra and Ariana's. It was made of white marble, just like Dumbledore's tomb, and this made it easy to read, as it seemed to shine in the dark. Harry did not need to kneel or even approach very close to it to make out the words engraved upon it.
            James Potter                  Lily Potter
     Born 27 March 1960       Born 30 January 1960
   Died 31 October 1981       Died 31 October 1981
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Harry read the words slowly, as though he would have only one chance to take in their meaning, and he read the last of them aloud. 'The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death...' a horrible thought came to him , and with it a kind of panic. 'Is'nt that a Death Eater idea? Why is that there?'"

I had the same question as Harry when i started researching the quote for my eventual deathly hallows tattoo...
while scouring the Internet i found the perfect answer posted by someone named Cedric on yahoo answers.... i thought i would share it with you...

James and Lily had accepted death. James accepted it when he chose to fight Voldemort to his death in their home, and when Lily died willingly to protect her son. At the end of the last book, Harry was able to accept death and embrace it for the good of those he loved, and in doing that, death was no longer an enemy.

You conquer death when you are not afraid to die.

Also, that quote was taken from the Bible (1 Corinthians 15:20-26):

"But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.
For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."

If you look at the quote contextually, it also has further meaning. At the end of Deathly Hallows, when Harry "conquers" death by accepting it and submitting himself to Voldemort, and he is then "reborn", very much like Christ.

Harry Potter has a handful of biblical allusions if you care to look.

so i thank you Cedric.. this answered it perfectly and it also added another meaning to it as well...