Friday, April 15, 2016

Creativity v. Practicality

         "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein

That is one of my favorite quotes, but it seems today that imagination is often left out and forgotten.

         When we're little everyone tells you to use your imagination and be creative, but as you get older it seems that imagination is swept aside for more "practical" talents that will help you more in the "real world" and those who refuse to conform and stay creative as they were as a child are ridiculed and thought of as "eccentrics" and "weird". 

We're told to grow up and stop acting childish, told to acquire skill that will better ourselves later in life, which will help us get a good, high paying job. Told imagination and creativity will not help us to get far in life.

           Yet, it is those same "eccentric" and "weird" people who keep their creativity and become authors, artists, musicians, and actors. Those people who bring us the entertainment we use in our everyday lives, not the business men trapped in a cubicle who secretly dreams they had kept the imagination they once loved to use.