Monday, February 21, 2011

Mr. Noodle...

So you all know elmo and elmo's world...
You know Mr. Noodle and how he was always somehow in the window of elmo's crayon drawn house...
Well i just found out that while sitting in an ally waiting to see Bye Bye Birdie in New York in November of '09 i had a whole conversation with Mr. Noodle... only his real name is Bill Irwin. We had no idea who we were talking to until we saw him on stage as Mr. McAffe. We were watching ourselves in the parade the other day reminissing about that week in New York and how we talked to a famous guy not even knowing who he was and i got curious.. so i looked him up and found out that he was Mr. Noodle! Probably one of the best moments that probably shoudnt happen during school... and im 18...