Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hunger Games

I just finished the Hunger Games series and I loved every bit of it. Its deffinatly on my list of favorites to stay... under Harry Potter of course. If you havent read it yet you really should. It starts out in one of the poorest districts in Panem, the ruins of a place once known as North America, District 12. Its the day of the reaping and when Katniss' sister Prim is chosen for the Hunger Games she vollenteers herself in Prim's place. She ends up having to go with the boy tribute Petta Metlark, who she says she owes everything because he gave her bread when she was starving to death. When they finally get to the arena she is desperatly hoping that someone will kill Peeta before she has to, but when the rules change and both of them could survive the games they despertly try to keep each other alive... unknowingly at the end that they would try to change the rule back. They end up sparking a revolution that will carry on through all three books. To find out how the revolution ends, read the series!